I've got about 1200 Likes to my new fan page right now. If you know me, you know I never ask for something for nothing so here's the deal. Help me get 2000 likes as fast as possible by sharing my new Facebook page with as many people you know (no spam please) and as soon as I get 2000 likes I'll throw a "Like Page Only" Teleclass on Internet marketing trends.
What a great way for your friends to get all the freebies I'm giving away when you "LIKE" the page. It's almost like Christmas! And we also have special promotions each week where you can get even moe free stuff.
Use the 'share' link at the bottom of the left hand side bar on my Facebook page and post on your wall, your friends wall or even send them a friendly email. Liking my new page will be worth it.
See you over there!