Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Tom Antion Training - Career Transitions


Do you want to transition to a new career? The Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia is an Internet marketing school designed to teach you everything you would need to know about selling your products online. No only can you sell your products and services, you can also get hired by companies looking for the same thing. Check out http://www.imtcva.org for more information

Friday, May 27, 2011

Tom Antion - Free File Friday on my Facebook Page


Friday already? Congrats for making it all the way to the end of the week. Your reward? My coveted list of cool Wordpress Plugins that I use on my WP sites. Save time, save headaches; get the list. Here, now.


Click on the link to open the PDF in Adobe, or right click to save to your computer. Visit my Facebook page Antion and Associates if you thought this was helpful and click "Like!" for even more great stuff.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Tom Antion - Blogging For Web Site Traffic


Blogs are just one of the important tools for getting traffic to your website. See how easy it is to do. Learn how you can discover the hottest and most in demand jobs available today. At the Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia, you can get a dedicated certificate in as little as six months and be on your way to a great job. Visit the site to download your free career guide.

Certified to operate by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia

Monday, May 23, 2011

Jobs In Video Marketing - IMTC


Video marketing has grown over the last few years. If you don't know how to market with videos, you will be out of the loop very soon. The need for people skilled in video marketing is increasing exponentially. Learn everything you can from IMTC. Click the link to get started.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Tom Antion - Top 20 Seminar Scams and How to Avoid Them

Top 20 Seminar Scams and How to Avoid Them

by Tom Antion

I decided to write this article after spending over half my speaking career (about 12 years) speaking at public seminars and watching the decline of service provided by seminar speakers and promoters and the increase in scammer speakers getting rich at the expense of mostly unknowing and trusting people.

I’m hoping those speakers/promoters on the edge will clean up their acts and the really bad ones will be exposed. The good ones won’t be bothered a bit because they don’t allow these kinds of activities to occur at their events. I might add that this document is talking about expensive coaching / training programs sold at these seminars, not low cost items like books or a small CD set.

Maybe you need a kick in the rear no matter what the cost
The reason this is such a tough subject is that even some of the worst rip-off events can be an exhilarating shot in the arm or kick in the butt for some people to improve themselves. I’m all for that. What I’m totally against is the manipulation of people solely for financial gain and the devastating letdowns that occur “after” these seminars.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Video Production - Lighting Your Shots with Cookies


Tom explains how to create a cookaloris for lighting your video shoots. This is an easy way to add variety and professionalism to your productions.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Tom Antion - Eco Green Education

http://www.imtcva.org The Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia is an Internet marketing school designed to teach you everything you would need to know about selling your products online. No only can you sell your products and services, you can also get hired by companies looking for the same thing. Check out http://www.imtcva.org for more information.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Tom Antion - Complimentary Teleclass With Rick Frishman

This guy has worked with best-selling authors including, Bill Moyers, Stephen King, Caroline Kennedy, Howard Stern, President Jimmy Carter, Mark Victor Hansen, Nelson DeMille, John Grisham, Hugh Downs, Henry Kissinger, Jack Canfield, Alan Deshowitz, Arnold Palmer, and Harvey Mackay.

"How Authors use Publicity to Make Massive Book Sales" with Tom Antion and Rick Frishman

If you know how to play the media game you can get your name and book in front of literally millions of people.
Wednesday, May 11th, 9:30 PM Eastern

Can't make it? Register anyway and I'll send you the recording.

A select group of authors, consultants, speakers, information marketers, and other entrepreneurs have been generating hundreds of thousands dollars, of publicity for themselves while everyone else have been fighting it out to sell their book one at a time through every expensive and time consuming method they can think of.

I'll be interviewing Rick Frishman, founder of Planned Television Arts, Rick has been one of the leading book publicists in America for over 30 years. He's worked with many of the top book editors, literary agents and publishers in America, including Simon and Schuster, Random House, Wiley, Harper Collins, Pocket Books, Penguin Putnam, and Hyperion Books,

Here's what you'll discover on this call with Rick:

=> Why publicity is 100 times better than advertising.

=> How to create a line of back-end products to maximize your income as a publisher on a limited budget.

=> How to become an author in 5 easy steps and in less than 90 days.

=> Real life stories about the "legends" in the business and what you can learn from them.

=> Understanding the differences between retainers and "pay for placement" PR and why it's important to you.

=> What does a publicity department do for you at a publishing firm and what that means for you.

=> Designing a press release that will generate results and get the media to pick up the phone and call you.

=> How to get published in the traditional manner and not get taken advantage of.

=> How agents work, what they do and why you need to get them on your side.

=> Understanding the pluses and minuses of radio, TV and other media sources.

=> How to create a press kit that will get you noticed and get you coverage.

=> How to maximize your effectiveness when you're in front of the media to increase your chances for success. And like any teleclass of mine, you'll get much, much more

Register for this complimentary teleclass right away.

Telephone bridge line space is limited.

I'll talk to you Wednesday at 9:30 PM Eastern.

Tom Antion

Friday, May 6, 2011

Antion and Associates New Facebook Page

Tom Antion has just jazzed up his new Facebook fan page with a TON of great freebies when you click 'Like.'

Join your friends and learn the latest techniques in Internet marketing and public speaking.

Look at all you will get for free:

3 MP3's:

* Top Ten Ways To Make Money Speaking

* Media Star Power: How to Become a Celebrity and Media Darling All at the Same Time

* How To Become A Professional Public Speaker

2 PDF transcripts:

* Repurposing: How to Take What You Know and Sell It in 19 Different Ways

* Sell Your Knowledge For Big Bucks in the Continuing Education Market

2 free e-books in PDF format:

* Wake 'Em Up Business Presentations

* Greatest American Speeches Vol. 1

And access a free 7 day visit to Tom's mentor site:


Be sure to tell your friends!

1) Click the 'share' button on the bottom left-hand side bar and post the link to the page on your Wall.

2) Inside the 'share' box, click on "send as message" to email the link to the page to your friends!


Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Tom Antion - Home Based Business Online

Online businesses are great . . . If you know what you are doing. Most
people don't and there are tons of scams out there selling you worthless
garbage. I've been selling legitimate products on the commercial
Internet since 1994. I have students that are e-millionaires. I have a
verifiable track record of success longer than your arm. Check out my
unique training facility and get a learning brochure at


Public Speaking - An Anatomy of an Introduction

Here with us today to talk about a lighter way to do business is 1{Tom Antion}. Tom is the 2{author} of six books and is now working on his seventh which is titled Business Lite: Humor, Effectiveness & The Bottom Line.

Tom brings to us a 3 {great depth of small business experience. He owned an apartment rental business and a hotel before he graduated from college. He currently owns four small businesses}. 4,5 {His consulting firm Antion & Associates helps companies & individuals realize the great benefits associated with enthusiasm and lightheartedness in the workplace}. 6 {Tom is a frequent keynote speaker before all types of business & civic groups}. 7 {The last time he spoke, the audience was glued to their seats. . . . Tom did this to make sure no one left}. 8,9 {Here to help us discover a lighter and more profitable way to manage our businesses} is Tom Antion 10{(lead enthusiastic applause)}

1. Name mentioned several times.
2. The word author means credibility.
3. Business experience means credibility.
4. Mentions availability to consult, plus establishes in the audience's mind that you help other companies.
5. Benefits to audience.
6. Shows availability for other talks.
7. Easily delivered joke (gives them hope that NO ZZZZZs are forthcoming).
8. Subject.
9. Benefits to audience.
10. Reminds them to applaud.

Nothing in this introduction underscores the fact that I'm going to be really funny. Had I put in the introduction that this will be the funniest presentation you have ever heard, I would have built an instant resistance. The audience would dig in and say to themselves, "Yeah, let's see how funny this guy really is." It makes it much easier on you to sneak up on them. Here's another benefit for you. If you don't turn out to be all that funny, you will not have bombed because you still delivered your serious message. If you advance bill yourself as funny, the exact same presentation could be considered a bomb.

A breakdown other public speaking techniques...

Monday, May 2, 2011

Tom Antion - Career Training Social Networking


Social networking has taken off as the most powerful media on the web today, but there is much more to learn about. Discover the hottest and most in demand jobs available today. At the Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia, you can get a dedicated certificate in as little as six months and be on your way to a great job. Visit the site to download your free career guide.

Certified to operate by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia