Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Tom Antion: Communication Skills Training

I provide some of the highest level public speaking training anywhere.
If you learn what to do in various group settings, your presentation
skills and ability to move people to action will skyrocket.

$5.00 30 day trial with over 350 public and professional speaking videos.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Tom Antion: Tax Humor

Ambition in America is still rewarded . . . with high taxes.

America is the land of opportunity. Everybody can become a taxpayer.

It's hard to believe America was founded to avoid high taxation.

Americans are now in a daze from intaxication.

We often wonder if automation will ever replace the taxpayer.

There was a time when $200.00 was the down-payment on a car; now it's the sales tax.

There is no tax on brains; the take would be too small.

The tax collectors take up so much of your earnings to balance the budget that you just can't budget the balance.

If my business gets much worse, I won't have to lie on my next tax return.

Capital Punishment: Congress comes up with a new tax.

Drive carefully. Uncle Sam needs every taxpayer he can get.

Children may be deductible, but they are still taxing.

Make $5500 or more every time you speak!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Tom Antion: Room Set Up Tips

Tom has done many talks in settings where meals are part of the program.

ROOM SET-UP (Many of these tips work whether food is being served or not)

Avoid spacing round tables widely apart in an attempt to fill the available space. Distance makes
audience involvement and participation much more difficult. A better idea would be to space the tables
as close together as practicable (allowing enough room for comfortable waiter and waitress
movement). Empty room space could be filled with a decorative divider of some sort.

Avoid a great distance between the head table/dais/speaker area and the first row of tables. Again,
distance is a great barrier to interaction.

Try to set the head table/speaker area on the long side of the room. This means that the back row
participants will be closer to the speaker than if you set the head table/speaker area on the short side of
the room (participants will feel they are really far from the action).

Consider allowing the speaker an option of speaking areas. Many top speakers can do a better job
if they are not confined behind a head table and/or lectern. Most audiences like being closer to the
speaker too. To accomplish this, place extra chairs near the front of the room to be used by the head
table participants after dinner (of course, this would depend on your overall program). You would not
want them seated behind the speaker during the program. Set head table back from the front of the
podium. Speaker can perform in front of the head table.

Set buffet tables far to the side or on the opposite end from the speaker area. If someone goes back
for late seconds or arrives late, he or she will not be disruptive.

Discourage use of doors anywhere near the head table/speaker area.

Get 30 days of public speaking training for only $5.00!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Tom Antion: Diplomat Humor

Diplomats don't have to understand something to tell you about it.

A diplomat is a person that's being run out of town, but makes it look like he's leading a parade.

Robert Frost--A diplomat always remembers your birthday, but never remembers you age.

Isaac Goldberg--Diplomacy is to do & say the nastiest things in the nicest way.

Oliver Herford--Diplomacy is lying in state.

Henry Wotton (English diplomat and poet 1568-1639)--An ambassador is an honest man sent to lie abroad for the good of his country.

Make $5500 or more every time you speak!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Tom Antion: Line Of Sight

When you speak alot you run into some crazy room setups. It's your job to be there early to make sure all the little preparation details taken care of. One of these details is the visibility of you and your visuals from each chair in the audience.

It doesn't even amaze me any more that a hotel room setup crew would put up a projection screen that 1/3 of the audience couldn't possibly see. Most of the time this occurs when tables and or chairs are placed too far forward in the room. The people on the sides are at much too sharp an angle to see anything on the screen and they only see you in profile.

Another situation is when there are pillars in the room. The setup people normally just slap tables up to suit themselves and forget that the people sitting in the chairs just might like to see what is going on at the stage. When you have pillars to deal with you must be very aware of your stage positioning. You won't be able to be seen the entire time by everyone because of the pillars, but you can limit the time you are unseen by noting the worst areas of the stage with an 'X' of tape on the floor. Avoid standing still anywhere near the 'X.' It's OK to pass by or over the 'X,' just don't plant yourself near it.

It's your job to check every chair in the room to be sure every participant has an unobstructed line of sight for each part of your presentation. They must be able to see the screen, the flipchart and you wherever you travel on the stage.

If possible, be in the room early when lots of setup crew are around so that you can make the adjustments before the room is totally set. Taking care of details like this is one more vote for you as a highly polished presenter.

Get 30 days of public speaking training for only $5.00!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Tom Antion: New Wordpress Video Ecourse

I have created to coolest product ever and I want to share it with you!

My Wordpress Video Ecourse will show you how to create all of the professional looking websites you want without hiring a nexpensive web designer! All you need is $20 and an hour of your time, and you'll have your very own website up and running all by yourself. You and your staff will be able to take back control of the Internet and create hundreds of these easy to make sites and sell an unlimited amount of products and services.

For only $47 (limited to the first 200 sales) you can get over 2 hours of screen capture training videos, 65 pages of article text and the secrets to making the best search engine friendly website you can. Think of the power you have just created for yourself for such a small investment!

And hurry, this offer won't last long!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Tom Antion: Starting an Ebay Business

If you are going to take the time to start an online auction business
you may as well make as much as you can. In this video I teach you how
to maximize the amount of money you make from your ebay business.

Don't forget the other ways to make money on the Internet that you can
find by downloading the learning brochure and watching the video at

Monday, June 14, 2010

Tom Antion: Powerpoint Music

I hope you don't think your powerpoint music is the dynamic part of your
presentation. I want you to be great whether you have presentation
visuals or not.

$5.00 30 day trial with over 250 public and professional speaking videos.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Tom Antion: Tie One On

I got this tip many years ago from speaker Paul Radde. After shooting one of my first major videos, I noticed that my tie was crooked for most of the video. It looked bad in person, but it looked TERRIBLE on video.

Here is the tip: After you have put on your tie, run the skinny part of the tie through the loop in the back of the main part of the tie. Take a tie clip, or you could use a large paper clip or safety pin and clip the skinny part of the tie to your shirt. Put the tie clip or pin on the skinny part of your tie below the loop. This holds the main part of your tie perfectly in the center for even the most animated presenter and hides the clip. Thanks Paul. This tip has made my tie look good for the last seven years . . . Can you come up with a tip that will help my face look better? hahahahaha

Get 30 days of public speaking training for only $5.00!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Tom Antion's Mentee Websites

Look at all the websites that Tom Antion's http://www.GreatInternetMarketingTrai... program has built for his mentees! This is just a small sampling of the great businesses that Tom has helped create and these mentees even learned to maintain these websites for themselves, eliminating the costly need for web designers.

Check out this fast-paced video promo and when your ready to create online wealth for yourself, click on the link above to download the FREE brochure and watch the introductory video. Is this going to be your year to succeed?

Learn to market yourself successfully on the Internet!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Tom Antion: Business Presentations

If you want to get raises and promotions and win big contracts, then
this is the video for you. You can also become a professional speaker.

$5.00 30 day trial with over 250 public and professional speaking videos.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Tom Antion: Dynamic Professional Speaking Resources

This video shows you where you can find over 250 pro speaking training

$5.00 30 day trial with over 250 public and professional speaking videos.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Tom Antion: Hosted Shopping Carts

It's a smart move to have your ecommerce online store hosted on it's own

Try the best shopping cart in the world FREE for 30 days: