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This video teaches you how to make your stories come alive. Over 350 public and professional speaking videos
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Don't wing it! You don't want to look like a fool on video do you? When you are asked to do a wedding toast a little bit of preparation and practice will go a long way. This is great for brides, grooms, the best man, bridesmaids, mothers, fathers, uncles other relatives and friends.
CD Duplication
You can start out simply duplicating
your CDs one at a time on your home or office computer. You can burn the same file over and over again onto
CDs and do the labeling right there too. However, putting paper labels on CDs
won’t make you look too good.
In fact, it will make you look pretty
bad. When you get a little
volume going you might want to purchase a CD duplicating machine. These machines
are now under $200.00. These machines can stand alone so you don't have to use
up computer time to make CDs. Keep in mind that with lower priced models you'll
have to load each CD in by hand.
A more expensive model will take a
stack of blanks and
automatically feed them so you don't have to watch over it every minute. With
one of these machines you still have to put on labels so it’s not going to add
to your credibility by doing this method.
You can always find duplicating companies
(check your Internet or local yellow pages) that will do all the work for you.
They can do the artwork, labels, duplication, and packaging. Everything has a
price and going this route will send your unit price up quite a bit.
This may not be a problem if you have
a high markup on the product and
can move quite a few. One company to look in to for CD duplication is Sam
Silverstein at:
Here are some sources for CD
Duplicating machines:
CD/DVD Labels and Print On Demand
After you have recorded, edited and
separated your audio recording into tracks, you are almost ready to have your CD product
duplicated or in others words, made into multiple copies. These are the copies
of your recording that you will be mailing to all of your customers.
There are many options as to where you can
get your CDs duplicated: sent away to a professional duplicator, print-on-demand
services or in-house with your own equipment. Before you decide on either of
these options, you'll have to design a CD label for your discs.
The label is where your logo, brand, title,
copyright and track listings will go. This can be designed using a CD label
template in either a sophisticated image editing program such as Adobe's
Photoshop or even a more simple image program like the one in Microsoft Office.
If you have no experience with
creating images on a program,
you may need some help with this, but as mentioned above Sure Thing CD Labeler
can really save the day. The final template label created in Photoshop will be a
.TIFF file that can be mailed to any duplication service. Then a special printer will reproduce the image
directly on the disc with various inks.
The disc itself has a special "skin"
that the machine will print on
and the music gets burned to the other side. This is a two-step process that a
duplication machine will do automatically. If you are doing a large run of
copies, you will want to use a professional duplication service. You can get CD
copies for as little as $2.00 for a run of 100 or more, to even $0.69 each for
10,000 or more copies. This
includes the label printing.
Distance learning is an easy way to get an education at your own pace. Learn how you can discover the hottest and most in demand jobs available today. At the Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia, you can get a dedicated certificate in as little as six months and be on your way to a great job. Visit the site to download your free career guide. Certified to operate by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia