Monday, April 2, 2012

Many people miss the boat when it comes to making money with their ebooks. You should take every opportunity to either put links in the book to your other products and services and put in links to affiliate (AKA Associate) products and services. Your total amount of income from the ebook will be the sale price of the ebook plus whatever affiliate commissions you earn from the ebook plus whatever backend sales you make from the ebook.

Finding Affiliate Programs

Go through your book and find places where you are recommending products or services. You may already have in mind the specific company or you may need to find a company that provides the product or service. If you know the company, go to their website and look for a small link for their affiliate program. This link could say, "Affiliates", "Make money with us", "Recommend us to your friends for cash" or something similar. The affiliate link is usually at the top, side, or bottom of the page. Rarely is it in the main body.

If you don't know the specific company you want to recommend, simply search for the product or service in Google and look around for a company that suits your needs. Again, you'll look for the affiliate program links.

No Link

If you can't find a link to join the affiliate program, it doesn't mean they don't have one. Some companies (I'm one of them) don't really want everyone signing up for their program. I happen to know that 98+ percent of the people that sign up never even put their links up. I just don't want to mess with these people that don't know what they are doing, so I've made my program "by request only." If you find a company you really like, email them to see if they have an affiliate program.

Signing Up

The first thing to do is to sign up for all the affiliate programs you like. Signing up for an affiliate program is usually easy. The affiliate program you sign up for will email you your user ID and Password and give you instructions on how to use their program. They will also issue you their affiliate links. Some will put in your specific ID into the link and some will show you where your ID number goes.

It is imperative that you get the link thing correct so you can get your commissions. Also, don't think you can lump tons of affiliate links all together and make lots of money. The most successful affiliates promote only one product at a time and they endorse the product too. This means they say something nice about the product and they build interest in the product by showing the potential buyer the need for having the product or service.

In your ebook, this means that your recommendations should be worked into the text of the book in a natural way. Yes, you can have lots of affiliate links in a book, but just don't make a big list of them.

Putting the Links in the Book

There are two ways to put affiliate links in your book.

1. Simply put the entire link in the Word document before you convert it to Adobe PDF or 2. Make a separate page in your website for each affiliate product like On this page you will say more about the affiliate product and, if you wish, you can put the long affiliate link under a "click here" for more info button that would take the visitor to the affiliate site.

Method 2 is more work, but actually better because if you find a better affiliate, you can switch the links on your site easier than redoing the links in your book.

Diligently put affiliate links in your ebooks and watch your overall profits soar.

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