Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Jack Thomason - Tom Antion Student

Jack gives Tom Antion a testimonial. Learn more about Tom's program:

Great Internet Marketing Training Program

Monday, March 26, 2012

Isabel Perry - Tom Antion Student

Isabel Perry gives Tom Antion a testimonial.

Tom Antion's Mentoring Program

Friday, March 23, 2012

Tom Antion - Recommend Scripts

You can get your existing subscribers to recommend your E-zine, blog or website to their friends and colleagues. Their third party endorsement is worth more than all the bragging you can do about yourself. You make it easy on people to recommend you by giving them a website form to do it.

You can try:

Here’s an example of an old recommend form still available at

You can use a version that pops back up already filled in so that the person can easily recommend you to several different colleagues. All they have to do is fill in the name of the new person to whom they are recommending you and hit submit. You can get a lot more recommendations by making it easy for the people visiting your site.

The marketing tip here is that to get people to take their time to recommend you, you need to do two things.

1. Your material has to be good so they won't be embarrassed to recommend you and
2. Give them a reason why it will be good for them to do it.

If you want someone to help you, it is always a good idea to give them an incentive. Tell the people that you want to help “you” that you have a way to help “them” keep in touch with their clients and friends. You probably have heard of the marketing ploy of cutting out an article from a periodical and sending it to a client. The article, of course, is helpful to the client and you don't appear to be marketing at all.

It's just a nice thing to do for your client, but, of course, it is keeping your name in front of them. The article idea is a classic and certainly a very good idea, but it is quite a hassle. You have to cut the article out of the periodical, write a note, find the client's address, make a label, get postage, etc., etc., etc.

Tell them if they simply type a quick note into your recommend form and ship it off to their client via email, they have no hassle at all. One Internet marketer got about 150 new subscribers the first time they sent this idea out to their mailing list by giving them an easy way to help their client by recommending them.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Jeff Herring - Tom Antion Student

Jeff is the number one man in the world teaching article marketing. Check out

and Tom's mentor program

Monday, March 19, 2012

Tom Antion Brand New Webinar with Daniel Hall

I am very excited to invite you to a brand
new complimentary webinar event this Monday night called...

'Finding Your Public Domain Fortune Hidden at the
U.S. Government Printing Office'

Grab you spot here -

In case you were unaware you can earn tens of
thousands of dollars selling info products
based on public domain content.

But finding good and suitable public domain
content can be a bit like finding a needle in
the haystack.

Webinar presenters
Tony Laidig and Daniel Hall say...

"You can't find what you don't know what to
look for"

That's why they use the awesome search power of
the Government Printing Office Website to find
hidden gems that are perfect for creating info

Seats are limited... regsiter here:

*********** Webinar Details ************

Title: Finding Your Public Domain Fortune Hidden
at the U.S. Government Printing Office

Date/Time: Monday, March 19th, 2012
7pm Eastern Time (New York Time)
6pm Central Time (Chicago/ Dallas Time)
5pm Mountain Time (Denver Time)
4pm Pacific Time (Los Angles Time)

Registration link:

I'll be there too.

Catch ya
Tom Antion

Friday, March 16, 2012

Tom Antion - Two Great Free Webinars

Two Fabulous Webinar Rebroadcasts this weekend
(I'll be there live to answer all your questions)


"How to Maximize the Value of Any Speaking Engagement"

I've been living and breathing high fee / high sales
speaking engagements for 21 years. In this powerpacked
Webinar I'll be revealing the secrets only the most
seasoned, in demand, top grossing speakers know.

If you want to have an insurance policy that will
help you make it ... or make it bigger in the speaking
industry, this webinar is it.

8:00 PM Eastern Time, Friday March 16th

Complete details and to Register for Friday Night:



Back quickly by popular demand!

Brand New Complimentary Webinar Rebroadcast with
my main guys on live to answer all your questions

Saturday morning March 17th, 11:00 AM Eastern Time.

"YouTube Super Secrets: Getting Views, Subscribers and Branding
Your Business"

Online video is one of the most powerful tool on the Internet
for driving traffic to your websites, products and services.

Search engines are focusing on online video to deliver content.
You see videos all the time at the top of their search results.

Are your easy-to-create videos up there at the top?


Your business can get quick, effective search engine results that
could take your websites months or even years to achieve, . . .
If you know what you're doing, you can hit the top for pretty much
ZERO Dollars.

There are secret tactics successful marketers are using on video
sites such as YouTube that are bringing an avalanche of
traffic to their websites.

In this complimentary webinar you will learn;

* How to do the critical keyword research you need BEFORE you
start shooting....Ignore this and you'll be lucky if you
get 3 views

* How to properly fill out your video titles and descriptions
for maximum search engine placement...You must learn the
specific way to do it or you're wasting your time.

* How to find subscribers and friends for your channel...
besides helping you in search engines, youtube can build
a following for you.

* How to use comments wisely to drive traffic to your channel. . .
mess this up and you could be very embarassed for no reason.

* How to share your YouTube video on all of your other social
profiles. . .lSyndication is the key to getting your name
to spread like wildfire.

* How to spy on your competition's videos and find out who's
sending them their views. . .Here's a trick your mama never
taught you :)

* How to decipher YouTube's statistics program to create better
videos. . . All the info is right there. You just have to use

* How to get a TON of views of your new video using a tool
you use everyday. . . Shhhhhhh. Don't tell your friends
about this.

* Super Bonus: How to add duplicate video content to your
channel without it being rejected. . . . (a tip YouTube
doesn't want you to know about!)

* And much more.

Saturday Morning March 17th, 11:00 AM Eastern Time.
Can't make it? Register anyway to get the replay.

Register below to take advantage of YouTube and make it work
for YOU!

I'll talk to you Friday night and Saturday Morning.


Tom Antion

P.S. After you register, please click the "Tweet" and "Like"
buttons to tell your friends about these fantastic
complimentary events.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

YouTube Marketing Tip

This video teaches you how to use a little known tip to increase your chances of getting higher rankings for your videos.

I'm getting lots of questions about how I get transcription so cheap. I watched a webinar that taught me a lot about the cultural norms needed to hire effectively in the Philippines. I carefully did what the video said and hired two really great people. Here's the link to the webinar Yes, I'm an affiliate, but you do not have to buy anything to learn these cultural norms.

Monday, March 12, 2012

How to Walk Like a Professional Speaker

Trick to save you: Don't sit with your legs crossed before it's your turn to speak. If your legs go to sleep, you will have to limp (or crawl) to the stage (on the other hand that would get their attention, wouldn't it?).

Stage Positioning
Where you position your body on the stage can have a subtle yet significant effect on the audience. Center stage is a powerful area. Moving downstage (toward the audience) right and downstage left can be used to tell the audience without words that you are going to be funny or that you are going to say something that evokes emotion. You should be consistent with your stage movement so that you deliver the same types of messages when you are in certain areas of the stage. For instance, if you always go downstage left to tell funny stories and then switch to an emotional story while you are downstage left you may confuse the audience.

When moving on the stage, make sure that your movement has a purpose. If you take a step, go at least three steps in that direction to cue the audience that you are moving for a reason. Don't wander around or take a step here and a step there. Again, you will distract and confuse the audience.

Learn more great speaking tips.

Friday, March 9, 2012

"How to Make Websites the Search Engines Love for 20 Bucks or Less"


"How to Make Websites the Search Engines Love for 20 Bucks or
Less"....and you can be proud of them too."

I've built a nice big empire of websites and blogs that make me
lots of money and I probably paid less for twenty of them than
you paid for one.

You will learn:

=> How to make a gorgeous website or blog in 2 days or less . .
. once you know the secrets you'll never overpay or wait forever
to have a massive web presence.

=> How to choose a domain name . . . cute names aren't always in
your best interest.

=> Where to get cheap and reliable hosting . . . pick the right
place and have your website going with just a couple clicks.

=> What plugins are...and how they make your website do all kinds
of cool things.

=> How many widgets it takes to change a light bulb
hahahaha...well maybe I won't cover that, but you will know
exactly what widgets are and what they'll do for you.

=> How to add things to your site with virtually zero web
skills...Put in a couple hours practice and you'll be publishing
around the world for ZERO cost.

=> Where to go to get custom graphics for your site for less than
10 bucks. . . great graphics are dime a dozen if you know where
to get them.

=> How to notify the entire world every time you add content to
your site. . . .thousands of geeks are happy to give you their
"Ping" lists.

11:00 AM Eastern Time, Saturday March 10th

Complete details and to Register for Saturday Morning:


Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Public Speaking: How to Self-Publish Your Book With Print-On-Demand

You know that public speaking book you have always wanted to write but never did because you would have to pay the printer to print hundreds more than you need and then store them forever in your garage? I have good news for you. Now with print-on-demand, you can have a few or many books printed at a nominal price. This means you can order just enough to sell from your website, at your book signing, at back-of-the-room sales during your seminars, or for giving away to promote your business.

Each book is printed when you or your client orders it and you only pay for the quantity ordered, whether it is one or 1,000. At Antion & Associates, we're using for print-on-demand. It's a free online self-publishing tool that helps you prepare your book for printing.

While compiling and formatting your book takes time, the actual process of uploading your book to createspace is very simple and consists of three basic steps:

* Enter information about your book into the createspace software.

* Upload a.pdf file of the content.

* Upload a.pdf file of the cover.

After you upload the .pdf files, you can order a proof copy for a few dollars and createspace will print it and mail it to you. As soon as you approve the proof copy, createspace will make it available for purchase and even distribute it through and other outlets. When you or a customer orders, createspace will print as few or as many copies as you want. The price of the book covers the production costs and your royalty.

It's a win-win because you have no setup fees and no inventory to store. In addition, Amazon offers a lot of tips to help you self-publish your book through

Get a free ebook "Top Ten Ways To Make Money Speaking"

Monday, March 5, 2012

Shel Horowitz's Testimonial for the "Ultimate Guide To Professional Speaking"

Shel explains how Tom Antion's Ultimate Guide can help speakers.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Tom Antion is at Author 101 Today!

Look at what you'll learn at Author 101:

How to create "hooks" for yourself and your business that will make you virtually irresistible to every media outlet and make coverage for yourself a virtual certainty.

How to get rich and become famous by being a guest on radio shows without spending a dime on advertising.

How to create promotional materials (media kits, etc.) that will have the media running to you for your opinion every time a story in your area pops up.

How to quickly and easily create an automated process to capture leads and sales and to up-sell and cross-sell these people with a minimum of effort.

How to make any book you write or publish an Amazon best-seller with a system that has been PROVEN to work.

If you'd like to learn the secrets of getting your book published or how to turn your book or publishing business into a money machine, this course is for you.

You'll get more out of this $497 seminar than any event this year offered at any price in the publishing industry.