Trick to save you: Don't sit with your legs crossed before it's your turn to speak. If your legs go to sleep, you will have to limp (or crawl) to the stage (on the other hand that would get their attention, wouldn't it?).
Stage Positioning
Where you position your body on the stage can have a subtle yet significant effect on the audience. Center stage is a powerful area. Moving downstage (toward the audience) right and downstage left can be used to tell the audience without words that you are going to be funny or that you are going to say something that evokes emotion. You should be consistent with your stage movement so that you deliver the same types of messages when you are in certain areas of the stage. For instance, if you always go downstage left to tell funny stories and then switch to an emotional story while you are downstage left you may confuse the audience.
When moving on the stage, make sure that your movement has a purpose. If you take a step, go at least three steps in that direction to cue the audience that you are moving for a reason. Don't wander around or take a step here and a step there. Again, you will distract and confuse the audience.
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