Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Digital Media: Knock, Knock Newspapers Are You There?

Digital media is changing everything about traditional advertising. All business owners should have a social media strategy, so that they can capitalize on this fast changing medium. Make sure you know where to put your advertising dollars so you can reach your target market. The numbers below may surprise you.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Facebook Hashtags

Facebook is finally on board and they have added support for the #hashtag. Users will be able to search and click on hashtags to see other status updates, pictures, and links that are using the same hashtag. Hashtags are basically the subject of the messages, and it makes it easier for users to find content on Facebook. Hastags are also now live on the iOS native app. Facebook users can engage with hashtags the way they do on their desktop via the iOS mobile app.

Twitter, Flickr, Tumblr, Google+, Pinterest, and Instagram have already been using the hashtag to organize content. When you click on a hashtag in Facebook you will see a feed of what other people and business pages are saying about that particular event or topic. Hashtags do not override the current Facebook privacy settings, you can only search public posts and content posted by your friends.

This is great news for Internet marketers because you will be able to join conversations about anything that is relevant to your industry with real time public conversations being displayed. Think of keywords, targeted keywords are great to use for a hashtag search. You should use this feature to engage with consumers and stay current with the news in your industry. A marketer can also add hashtags in an advertising campaigns to amplify your reach over multiple social networks.

Hashtags are a great way to organize content but there are a few suggestions that an Internet marketer should know to make sure you are getting the most bang for your efforts.

Hashtag Etiquette 

1. Make sure your hashtag relates to your message. Do not add hashtags to a message if it has nothing to do with the message, that is considered hashtag spamming. It will also make you look like you don't know what you are doing. Consumers don't want to search #Dogs and end up seeing a picture of a bird in the results. 

2. Keep your hashtags short and to the point. Three words should be the maximum for a single hashtag. Anything longer becomes really hard to read and your message may be lost in translation. For example; #HashtagsThatTurnIntoSentencesAndGoesOnForALongTimeAreAnnoying.

3. Use hashtags to help build brand awareness. By creating a unique hashtag for your business you are starting a new real-time feed with that particular hashtag. So when a consumer clicks on your unique hashtag they will pull up your businesses messages, pictures, or links. An unique hashtag will also help you get noticed and bring attention back to your business.

4. Do not hashtag every word in your message. A message with a lot of hashtags is hard for the consumer to read, so focus on the subject of your message and add your hashtags at the end.

Hashtags are great tool for marketers and now that all the major social networks are supporting clickable hashtags this will be very helpful when trying to engage with the consumer. 

Thursday, August 8, 2013

How Authors use Publicity to Make Massive Book Sales

I have a complementary teleclass tonight with Rick Frishman Thursday, August 8th, 2013  9:00 PM Eastern Time that authors, speakers, entrepreneurs, and consultants can benefit from if you are serious about taking your business to the next level. 

Rick Frishman is the founder of Planned Television Arts, and has been one of the leading book publicists in America for over 30 years. He's worked with many of the top book editors, literary agents and publishers in America, including Simon and Schuster, Random House, Wiley, Harper Collins, Pocket Books, Penguin Putnam, and Hyperion Books. Join us tonight for: 

"How Authors use Publicity to Make Massive Book Sales"

You will discover:

  • How to become an author in 5 easy steps and in less than 90 days.
  • Real life stories about the "legends" in the business and what you can learn from them.
  • Understanding the differences between retainers and "pay for placement" PR and why it's important to you.
  • What does a publicity department do for you at a publishing firm and what that means for you. Designing a press release that will generate results and get the media to pick up the phone and call you. How to get published in the traditional manner and not get taken advantage of.
  • Tips and techniques to generating "back of the room sales" to maximize your revenue at speaking engagements.