Facebook has launched a brand new Facebook for Business hub, which will grow into their one stop shop for all of the different marketing and advertising resources available on the platform. Facebook wants to make it easier for businesses to advertise and market themselves so they are offering helpful tips, techniques, case studies, and video that any online marketer can use to grow their business all in one spot.
Facebook for Business offers the Facebook Basics section which is a beginners guide for setting up a business page. Any business looking to set up a page, find their target market, and advertise on the platform will find this section helpful. The tips and techniques on the site break down how online marketers can monetize their network by building brand awareness and launching a new product.
Facebook offers business owners different marketing approaches based on their predetermined goals. The options include drive in store sales, increase online sales, launch a new product, build awareness, and promote your app.
If you already know the basics for managing your Facebook page, the new site offers a great list of case studies that you can filter through and use for inspiration. If you are new to the social platform the new Facebook for Business page can definitely streamline the process for you.Take some time out of your day and check out the Facebook for Business page, you may learn something new.