Monday, February 18, 2013

Free Tickets to Author 101 in March!

I've got ten more sets of tickets (2 tickets per set) for Author 101 in Los Angeles March 7th through March 10th.

It's a fabulous event that I speak at twice a year and it's literally a life changing experience. It's hard to even imagine or count the number of books and book businesses that have been spawned there. I'll be very blunt.

I got these tickets because of my work with the founder of Author 101 Rick Frishman. If you would like to attend, as a bonus for joining my public speaking site, I'm giving a set of tickets to the first ten people who sign up at

It's only $97 bucks for the entire year and is pretty much the deal of the century when it comes to pro level speaker training. That site has over $100K worth of professional speaking training. Over 475 short videos teaching you every aspect of the speaking business from how to "Make 'em Laugh", to "How to Wake 'em Up" to the Business of Speaking.

Visit the site:

Click on "Join Now" Fill out the form. I'll get notice in my email immediately and I'll pass your info on to Rick at Author 101 to get you signed up. With 100,000 people on my email list seeing this, these tickets will most likely go in minutes so do it NOW!

Hope to see you in Los Angeles!

Tom Antion