Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Careers In Internet Marketing - Comment Marketing

Comment marketing: using forums and blog comments to help spread the word about your brand or business; moderating the comments on your own blogs or social profiles to add value to your brand and/or curate fan input into data.

Yes, the comments people leave on your blog can give your brand an extra amount of exposure. The way you answer your friend's questions or comments on Facebook can help build your expertise and create an important interaction between you and your followers. How you use the comments they leave can help build your business: are they offering suggestions on what they would like to learn from you? Are they addressing their concerns about what's working and not working in their business? These tidbits can be used to 'curate' their concerns into new products. Often, your friends and fans are telling you in a roundabout way what new information they'll be seeking in the future.

Even the replies you leave on Yahoo! answers and forums can build your expert status and help drive traffic to your website. Do businesses know how important this is to their marketing and overall exposure on the web? Probably not. That's why this is an opportunity for you to create a solution for their problems. These ideas in 'comment marketing' can help you create a niche career for yourself and have something unique to present to businesses that otherwise have no idea.

Comment marketing is easy and the concepts are simple to implement if you have the right training. Working from home in an Internet marketing career has never been this easy to obtain until now.    

Monday, January 28, 2013

Tom Antion - Public Speaking Cartoons

Amazing Public Speaking You must be careful using cartoons during your presentation. Tom tells you a couple ways that are more safe. Over 450 public and professional speaking videos.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Tom Antion's Marketing Strategies: Opt-in Autoresponders

If you ask any successful Internet marketer what their #1 most important tool is for making money, they would almost all say the 'autoresponder.' This is an automated email message that goes out when someone either makes a purchase or subscribes to your newsletter on your website.

So, 24/7, or even while you're sleeping, an automated message is going out to someone if they buy something from your website without you having to send them a massage manually from you email. What's most important to marketers is the fact that you can a have a series of pre-made messages continue to go out to that website visitor every couple of days or weeks literally for years. These messages keep your brand alive in the mind of that prospect and can help make you money over and over.  

Autoresponders can contain instructions, special coupons, additional training, marketing messages or just plain old "How are you doing, I've been thinking about you" emails. Again, these are all on automatic, going out to hundreds of your prospects over and over withour you having to do a thing. This gives you time to create new products or enjoy life while automatically being in touch with your database of customers.

Check out the autoresponder service I use to make a fortune at

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Unique Home Based Business Opportunities

Tom's Mentorship Program How would you like to live in a mansion and have your computer going Ka-Ching all day long with orders and money coming into your computer? That's the way I've lived my life for many years because of the Internet. This isn't hocus pocus or get rich quick. Check outTom Antion's Mentorship Program for a more in depth video and learning brochure of how this all works.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Oral Storytelling

Amazing Public Speaking You can make money with your storytelling skills. 450 public and professional speaking videos.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Why you should NOT use PowerPoint

Veteran speaker, Michael Angelo Caruso, recommends that you do NOT use PowerPoint and gives three reasons why:

1) Distinguish yourself as a speaker and become better presenter

2) Use only one slide, if you must. Make it a photo and tell a story related to it. Presentations should have a call to action and good stories motivate better average bullet points.

3) If your boss insists that you use PowerPoint, only use it in the middle third of your talk so you can close in the final third of your presentation.

Michael hosts special speaker training sessions in his home from time to time. To get details of the next event, click here.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Tom Antion's YouTube Marketing Tip

Great Internet Marketing Training. This video teaches you how to use a little known tip to increase your chances of getting higher rankings for your videos. I'm getting lots of questions about how I get transcription so cheap. I watched a webinar that taught me a lot about the cultural norms needed to hire effectively in the Philippines. I carefully did what the video said and hired two really great people. Here's the link to the webinar Yes, I'm an affiliate, but you do not have to buy anything to learn these cultural norms.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Creating Internet Ads: Paid and Free

Just like any other business, ads play a huge role in Internet businesses as well.

While most believe that search engines bring in all of the customers to web-based businesses, the amount of competition to get on the first page of a search result leaves ads as an important alternative to attracting traffic. The most popular ads are called pay-per-click and they appear on the top, and often on the right-hand side bar of a search result. PPC ads give a business an opportunity to 'bid their way' to the top of a search result page in just a few hours.

There are also Facebook ads, banner ads and free classified ads such as and Craigslist. Each ad is constructed differently depending on how its used. For a pay-per-click ad, the business owner doesn't have to pay until a searcher 'clicks' on the ad. That being said, the ad needs to be written very carefully so people who would not be interested in the product don't click on it. This is called 'qualifying' the ad for a specific target customer, making sure that only the most qualified prospect clicks on it.

Free ads need to be written so the most critical information is presented in the least amount of words. People scour free ads by the thousands and it needs to stand out from the others or it will get lost or be ineffective. Whether ads are paid or free, they need to be conversion-friendly: written enticingly and leading to a landing page that makes money. If this is all done incorrectly, there will be a lot of wasted time and money.

That's where businesses need well trained writers and ad managers for their websites. You just can't have anyone pop an ad on the Internet. There's many variables that take place for an ad to work. Millions of dollars are spent every year on ads that stink. Most businesses are looking for someone with the specialized knowledge that you'll get at IMTC. We teach only the proven and specialized techniques that make money on the web.

Get your free career brochure and see what you're missing out on.