This technique has saved me thousands of dollars in printing costs and helped close more deals too. I print up a ton of two color letter size sheets that are blank except for a photo and a colored border. This is pretty cheap to do. I keep my program descriptions on my computer. When a meeting organizer calls me for information, I interview him or her and write down keywords that are said to me.
For instance, someone might tell me that morale is down and they need some excitement during the program. I'm jotting down the words, "morale" and "excitement." After we hang up, I go to my computer and alter my standard program description to include phrases like "this program is great for morale" or "this program generates lots of excitement." When I print out the program description on one of the two color blanks, I end up with a custom program description that LOOKS like it came from the printer.
When the meeting organizer gets it, I know they say, "Wow! This was just what we were looking for!" How do I know this? I know it because they tell me when they call to book the job!