You would have to contact the sites to make the deal and then email them an article each week or at any interval you decide upon. Then you would have to hope that each site put the updates on their sites in a timely fashion . . . ha! Fat chance of that happening. Making the deal in the first place would be hard enough because most people that have websites depend upon webmasters to make changes . . . again ha! try getting the average webmaster to respond quickly and regularly. Even if the site owner updated their own site, you are talking about lots of work doing regular updates . . . UNTIL NOW!
Enter an inexpensive piece of software called the "Master Syndicator" For about $150.00 you can have this software installed. You write your articles and put them in the supplied web page. Instantly all the sites that have accepted your articles are updated. The sites that use your articles have zero work other than to put one line of code in their website just one time. After that, there is no maintenance.
Just think of the power this brings to your desktop at home. Each deal you make with another website means that all their visitors are being exposed to your ideas, products and services on a regular basis which means money in your bank account . . . lots of money if you play your cards right. You are also providing fresh content for the sites hosting your articles. Everyone wins.
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